Zoe, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Zoe, Amsterdam, Netherlands

تمایلات جنسی
جنس مخالف
رنگ چشم
قهوه ای
رنگ مو
بلوند متوسط
169 سانتیمتر
52 کیلوگرم
تاریخ پروفایل
4 سال پیش
خدمات برای:
  • 2+
  • همجنس گرایان
  • زنان
  • مردان
  • زوج ها
  • ترنس سکشوال
در باره من

Zoe immediately discovered she has a super -sensitive clitoris and likes to stimulate him before or during a sexual relationship by rubbing herself on the erect penis of her client until she reaches the maximum orgasm and screams of satisfaction. For her, penetration is just an altruistic gesture to give pleasure to the client, while for her, rubbing and clitoral orgasm is her way of having fun while making money.

Zoe loves her pussy being stimulated with oral sex in foreplay, either by licking her pussy or by hot 69, then closing her foreplay, reaching her orgasm rubbing. On some occasions, she can also spread cream or honey on the cock before rubbing, to give a different flavor to orgasm, and to excite the client in an innovative and spicy way.

توضیحات تماس
North Holland
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