Bangalore EScor, Bangarapet, India

Bangalore EScor, Bangarapet, India

Bangalore EScor
تمایلات جنسی
هر دو جنس
رنگ چشم
رنگ مو
180 سانتیمتر
66 کیلوگرم
تاریخ پروفایل
3 ماه پیش
خدمات برای:
  • 2+
  • همجنس گرایان
  • زنان
  • مردان
  • زوج ها
  • ترنس سکشوال
در باره من
I am Tina Kapoor, a 20 -year-old Bangalore call girl. Come to me for true love and get yourself satisfied at night. I am loyal to true gentlemen and make them feel special. I am available for the best escorts in Bangalore.
I am a very cheerful person who knows how to treat a guy. I am very sweet. Once you visit me you will get to know me more.
The man who is in search of true love and romance, they can visit me once. I will be more happy to assist you with my love. I am the person who tries hard to satisfy the needs of the person.
I do wonderful things in bed and I try to make guys feel special and energetic. I make them com Bangalore able and then satisfy them with my moves. I can assure you will end up feel delighted.
خدمات اسکورت
نوعی رابطه جنسی
  • 69
  • سطح A (سکس مقعدی)
  • CID (بدون کاندوم)
  • رابطه جنسی گروهی
  • CFS (سکس کلاسیک با کاندوم)
  • جنسیت لزبین
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